所有的学位 & 项目
With over 35 majors and minor areas of concentration, 埃尔迈拉大学 lays the foundation for a diverse, 跨学科教育, encouraging you to both specialize and explore.
Experience our picturesque campus for yourself. 无论是当面还是在网上, a campus tour introduces you to our landmarks, enriches your knowledge of the college's history and traditions, and gives you a peek at your life on Elmira's campus.
访问ing campus is the best way to explore all that 埃尔迈拉大学 offers you. Led by current Elmira students known as Gold Keys, you'll tour the facilities — including our state-of-the-art nursing simulation lab — hear a lecture by one of our expert faculty on environmental science and sustainability, catch a Soaring Eagles Athletics event, and talk with current students about their experience.
Get ready to spend the day here because you will want to experience every corner of Elmira’s beautiful, green campus and the charming town we call home. Gold Keys will guide you around campus, stopping at all the important spots, 包括宿舍, 餐饮设施, 和教室. You’ll tour where students study, recharge, and connect. During your visit, you’ll learn about life on campus and a little bit of the college’s rich history. And if you’re interested in learning about something specific, such as the augmented reality sandbox in the environmental science center or our state-of-the-art nursing facility, 问问!
Ready to explore Elmira and looking for a place to stay? 我们是来帮你的. From national chains to independent B&Bs, check out the local accommodations within 25 miles of the 埃尔迈拉大学 campus. Many local accommodations provide a discount for families visiting 埃尔迈拉大学. Be sure to ask when making your reservation.
Now is your time to get to know us — a college un就像 any other. We’re ready to share advice about college admission and updates about all things Elmira!
访问 campus anytime, from anywhere! 我想随便看看? Take a few minutes and treat yourself to a virtual tour of 埃尔迈拉大学. Schedule a virtual presentation hosted by Admissions counselors and financial aid staff and get your questions answered.
The City of Elmira is a small, quaint town with big-city connections. Located in the stunning Finger Lakes, 离布法罗很短的车程, 罗彻斯特, 费城, 和纽约市, it's a jumping-off point for skiing, 高尔夫球, 徒步旅行, 水上运动, 自行车旅游, 博物馆, 和餐馆. 全年, Elmira Downtown Development hosts events in the district, 比如户外音乐会, 每周一次的农贸市场, 街头绘画节, 户外电影之夜, 和更多的. 也, remember to visit the Mark Twain Study, 位于欧共体校园内, where the famous author penned some of his most iconic novels, 就像 汤姆·索亚历险记.
Photo credit: Finger Lakes Wine Country